NPL Presents the Winter Reading Challenge!

December 19 – January 16
Lights! Camera! Action! Read 750 minutes before the challenge ends! Visit the library to sign up and get a reading log!
No library card required.
Remember, any kind of reading counts – ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and newspapers!
We have a lot planned during the challenge so stop in, check out the latest NPL Insider, or visit our website for all the details. See you soon!
Tickets for grand prize bundles will be given for registering and for every 250 minutes you read!

Choose 1 Movie Ticket to The Nappanee Theatre OR
1 small bag of popcorn & Slushy from Dutch Kernel
+ attend the Leprechaun Leap (1 mile) for free!

Prizes: Receive 1 ticket for every 250 minutes
1 Ticket = 1 Grand Prize Entry
Movie Bundle: Popcorn Popper, Snacks, Blanket
Snack Bundle: Crave Box & Mini Fridge
Cooking Bundle: Cook Book, Cooking Utensils, Grocery Gift Card
Game Bundle: Catan, Exploding Kittens, Hand to Hand Wombat
Play Bundle: Kids Tent & Toys (recommended for Kids 5 – 12)
Baby Bundle: Blanket, Plush, & Baby Toys (recommended for babies & Toddlers)