Kid’s Department
Welcome to the Kid’s Department!

The Kid’s department is located in the lower level of the library. It is a fun space for our littlest learners. In this space, we have AWE Learning computers, open play areas, and a collection of more than 50,000 items.
This area is not a quiet space. We often have programs or crafts in this area. While inside voices are appreciated, whispering is not required.
Upcoming Programs
- 04/02/25 @ 10:00am – 04/02/25 @ 10:45am Kids Storytelling Area and Craft Room Nappanee Public Library Registration is required. Registration […]
- 04/04/25 @ 1:00pm – 04/04/25 @ 2:00pm Meeting Room 1 & 2 Nappanee Public Library Join us for a fun-filled […]
- 04/04/25 @ 3:30pm – 04/04/25 @ 4:30pm Kids Storytelling Area and Craft Room Nappanee Public Library Drop in anytime for […]
- 04/08/25 @ 10:30am – 04/08/25 @ 11:30am Meeting Room 1 Nappanee Public Library Registration is required. Registration starts: 12/31/1969 @ […]
Book Clubs & Reading Challenges

Book Worms
Every Other Month, 4 – 5 pm, Kids (age 8-12)
Kids who love to read can join our book club for our youngest readers. Free copies of the books will be available while supplies last.

Little Book Worms
Every Other Month, 4 – 5 pm, Age 7 & Under
Grab a copy of the book, find a cozy spot in the library, and read the book together with your child. After the reading session we’ll come together to create something fun!

1000 Books Before Kindergarten
Age: Babies – Kindergarten
Challenge: Start your child’s love of learning and make sure they are ready for one of the biggest moments in their young lives — starting kindergarten. Register your child for this free, easy-to-do program, where you read 1,000 books to your young child before they start elementary school.

Expand Your Horizons: Junior
Kids Reading Challenge
February 1, 2024 – January 31, 2025
Kids are invited to start a new reading adventure in February. Expand Your Horizons: Junior is the reading challenge just for kids. The challenge is to complete fun tasks that introduce young readers to new genres, formats, and favorites.
Visit the library to register for the challenge and receive a task list! Can’t make it in? Email for a task list (pdf).
Complete all the tasks and receive a $5 gift certificate to Bella’s Books!
New Items

Tumblebooks (eBooks for eKids)
TumbleBooks are animated, talking picture books that teach kids the joy of reading in a format they’ll love.
They are created by taking existing picture books, adding animation, sounds, music, and narration to produce an electronic picture book (and some classics) that you can read, or have read to you.

Accelerated Reader (AR) Book Finder
Provides the book level of over 100,000 books. Type in the title of a book, topic, or author that you want to read to see the Book Level (BL) Points (AR pts) for books within your search criteria.
If you want to look at a list of books to read, go to the Advanced Search and choose an Interest Level and an ATOS Book Level range.